The Beatles Encyclopaedia – J


The Beatles Encyclopaedia – J

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Jacaranda Club, The, 23 Slater Street, Liverpool L1

Jack Paar Show, The

Jackson, Simone

Jacobs, David

Jacobs, David (DJ)

“Jailhouse Rock”

James, Carroll

James, Dick

James, Ian

Jamieson, Russell

Janov, Dr Arthur

Jelly Babies

Jessie’s Dream

Jets, The

Joe’s Cafe. 139 Duke Street, Liverpool L1

Johanneshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, Sweden

John, Elton

John F Kennedy Airport, New York City

John Fred & His Playboy Band

Johnny & The Moondogs

“Johnny B Goode”

Johns, Glyn

“Jolly What!”

James, Brian

Jones, Davey

Jones, Peter

James, Philip

Jones, Ron

Joseph Williams Primary School, Naylorsfield Road, Belle Vale, Liverpool L25

Juke Box Jury


Junior Art School, Gambier Terrace, Liverpool L1


Junkin, John


The Beatles Encyclopaedia – J

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